Cool !
I love this game & i love the 3D effect.
It's fun ...
Cheats!! I'll be 3000 points ahead and in one turn, usually the very last one of the game, the bot rolls 6000 points to win. When does that really happen in real life. Both myself and hubby fed up with it and uninstalling on our phones.
Think less fun
Simple and clean farkle app, BUT the computer seems like to have loaded die and recovers from bad rolls easily, whereas you just get farkle all the time. Needs balancing
Did not like how the dice were put at the top of the screen after rolling them.
Dice dont roll like real life. Game farkles you to many times right off the bat. Computer gets loaded dice and if it gets a bad roll the a die will stick and give it a reroll.
Pretty good game but the AI has some issues. I have seen multiple times when the computer has had over 1k then rolled three sixes a 1 and a 5 and it just took the one and kept rolling, which doesn't make any sense.